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Community Dialogues


Multisector Engagement

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organizational Change

Through Co-Nexio, I help when a shift is needed and when new directions are ready to emerge. Multi-sector engagements and regional, community dialogues are powerful ways to find collective solutions to critical social and environmental challenges. Together we'll deepen relationships, leverage resources, and generate positive change.

Whether a long-term retainer relationship, a multi-year initiative, a specific project, or a one-day engagement, I'll design and facilitate approaches with you that build leadership capacity, engage stakeholders, and create greater impact.

These services are available in-person or virtually using video conferencing.

I learned so much in this workshop. In fact, I’d say out of the past 5 years of workshops I’ve been to, I’ve learned the most in this one.
— City Planner, Strategic Engagement Participant

What can we do together that none of us can do alone?

I LOVED it! Being more engaged (as opposed to being “spoken to”) was fantastic, I really enjoyed being able to interact with the other attendees! I will most certainly be engaging in an effort ​to demonstrate that this is not just a US thing, but an international effort.
— Marc A. Jacques, Senior Political and Economic Affairs Attaché, Consulate General of Canada

Together, we can create :

  • Multisector Engagements

  • Peer-to-Peer Dialogues

  • Community & Regional Engagements

  • Organizational Change & Development

  • Un-Conference Design & Facilitation

  • Strategic Planning toward Sustainability

  • Event Design & Facilitation (any size!)

  • Team Building

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Traditional corporate communication must give way to a process that is more dynamic and more sophisticated. Most important, that process must be conversational.

- Harvard Business Review

Tracy is a highly strategic thinker, planner and process designer, always seeing around corners to anticipate how potential actions, approaches, process designs and emergent situations may impact outcomes.
— Project Partner

Through participatory dialogue, all perspectives have a voice in the conversation, creating conditions for new solutions to emerge. Inject new life into your meetings, conferences, collaborations & community, together!

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We learned so much, my head is on fire with ideas, and our farmer group is more connected than before the workshop – this is a powerful combination!!! I’m looking forward to working with the farmers in our area to act on the ideas generated during our two days together. I sincerely hope you’ll be able to offer this workshop again. It is incredibly valuable – not only for water quality work – but also, I think, for rebuilding a sense of goodwill and community in our watershed. Thank you!!!
— Watershed Leaders Network participant
The workshops are crossroads where people with different perspectives can sit down in a safe environment and share those points of view openly and honestly without criticism,” says Duncanson (MN farmer and WLN participant). “We can genuinely understand and make progress toward a solution.
— Jim Ruen in Corn & Soybean Digest: Growing Grassroots Change | Oct 30, 2018